What are you doing down here? It's dangerous under the city!
- I wanted to get down to the port without paying taxes or having my luggage searched.
- I wanted to find the Rewarding College.
- I wanted to see if it were true that the weight of the city was going to crumble the cliffs one day and tumble everything into the sea.
- I heard you can get into the palace through these caves.
- I just followed one of those hooded creatures you see deliberately pacing the streets of the city, the ones with all the legal protections -Peaceful Monks. I mapped their progress and discovered their paths were drawing intricate city-wide pentagrams. Then I decided to follow them.
- I heard there was a series of shrines down here that, if visited in the correct order and with the correct rituals, can supercharge magic items.
The caves sprawl for a very long way - going beyond the borders of the city and down all the way to the water. I suppose it could be a megadungeon but maybe not.