Thursday, August 25, 2016

Renfield's Cast 4 - Computer Tower

This week on Renfield's Cast Ollie and Robin abandon RPGs altogether and talk about weird old computer games they like.

SHOW NOTES after the break

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Renfield's Cast 3 : Godkiller Bomb

Gods! It seems they're all the rage. BUT DID YOU KNOW they could burn down your house, perv on your wife or even turn you into a tree?!!?


Friday, August 12, 2016

Renfields Cast ? : Talk Club

Oh look, cracking out of Renfield's Cast like the worst egg. It's Talk Club! The very first podcast I was ever on.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Renfield's Cast 2 : Black Screens Green Text

This week on RENFIELD'S CAST we talk about retro rpg blogs and what we'd like to do them. Ollie gets conjunctivitis in the depths of an ancient forum and Robin invents a new numerical system for reviewing RPG products. THEN WE RUIN IT ALL BY GETTING VCR AND VHS THE WRONG WAY ROUND TEN FUCKING TIMES OH MY GOD.

Show notes after the break